Transgender Youth Support Group
Our Center provides trans support groups for various age groups, ranging from junior high and high school ages to adult. Check out our calendar to find out when the next group is meeting! For questions about attending these groups, contact Stacey@OurCenterReno.org or call the Center at 775.624.3720.
This peer to peer support group is for parents, friends and caregivers of transgender and gender variant youth. Please join us o the 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.

GSA Consortium
Our Center produces this high school focused group which brings together members of WCSD Queer friendly clubs and organizations. This group is focused on education, advocacy training and supporting the advancement of social justice. Major areas of focus include planning the annual Queer Prom and taking classes from Scarleteen.
Scarleteen Queer Sex Education
Sex ed for the real world. Inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationships info for teens and emerging adults. 6 Session Summer Intensive Starts in May 2nd and 4th Mondays from 6-8 pm.

Senior Coffee Time
Join a fun group of smart people who get together weekly to chat, talk, dialog, discuss, have a chin -wag, natter or exchange. Donuts and coffee and fun.
Out and About Seniors Group
3rd Friday Monthly this groups finds a fun happening and attends together: plays, music, literary and visual arts. Check the calendar and join the fun!
LGBTQ+ Veterans Peer Support Group
In person and on Zoom this group provides support and community for our Vets. Your issues are specific to your service and your whole identity. We have you covered. Come on in!
A Washoe County Professional comes on site on Wednesday and Friday afternoons to assist with applications and explain benefitsavailble. Open to the public with no appointments.
HIV and STD Testing
Provided by the Washoe County Health Department. We will notify our constituents when this important service is available again.
Recovery Communities
Out and Sober AA Meeting Wednesday nights.
Friday Nights OUT Narcotics Anonymous Meeting.
Women Encouraging Women – Alanon meets in Saturday mornings from 10:15am – 12:30pm.

Community Connection
EmbrACE - A Safe ACE Space
This peer to peer support group explores asexuality and provides space for people to explore and talk in a positive and encouraging environment.
Women Who Brunch
This monthly event mixes great food and conversation to encourage the growth of community in a friendly nonstructured environment. Let by our own volunteer Debbie Dyke.
A fun afternoon of calling the numbers and winning great prizes. With donated Bingo prizes this excellent program keeps growing in popularity and features a great cross section of participants.
FriDAY Movie
Movies that have a queer cult following or which we think should have one developed. From Mommy Dearest to a Golden Girls marathon, you never know what we might be showing but you are sure to have fun!
We Are Family
Knowing how important it is for kids to meet families like their own, this Movie and Game Night for LGBTQ+ Parents and Kids was created to introduce Our Center to the littelist Rainbow Kids in our Community.
Card Nights
Cribbage? Cards Against Humanity? Hearts? Exploding Kittens? Whatever card game strikes your fancy we provide the rules and the cards so bring your friends, hang out and play!

Our Gallery
Our Gallery regularly features artwork, such as paintings, photography, and other fine art media, from local artists.
This work is available to view and purchase during Our Center’s open hours, and each gallery typically has an accompanying opening or closing reception to celebrate the artist and their work. Past artists to display work include Jana Sayson, a group exhibition featuring reflections by queer youth, and Rachel Grey.