We have a robust volunteer program with oversight from a Volunteer Coordinator. There are many different projects volunteers become involved in. We shape positions based on individuals' experiences, interests, and passions.
This is a great position for people looking to gain experience in the nonprofit world or who want to become more deeply involved in their community. This experience looks great on job applications, resumes, and college or extended education programs.

Start a Program or Group
We are always looking to develop more comprehensive and representative programming. Our small staff cannot serve the entire population, but we can provide the tools necessary to uplift those who would like to start a specific group or program.
Our staff can help with the training, organization, and marketing necessary to cultivate programming. Programs and groups are volunteer led and run. These groups can also be peer-peer. Someone from the community just needs to come in and say they'd like to start one!
Want to sign up for
a group or program?
Click this link →
Host an Event
We love hosting events for the people in our community.
If you'd like to host a pop-up vending market, workshop, educational series, panel, or something else, please fill out the form attached.

Request for Tabling
If you'd like us to come and table at your event, please fill out this form.
If you'd like to be involved in some other way, please call the center and leave a message with one of our staff or volunteers