Teen Dungeons & Dragons
Teen Dungeons & Dragons group led by DM, Mo. From 1pm-whenever the group finishes, 5pm at the latest. Happens every third Saturday of the month.
Teen Dungeons & Dragons group led by DM, Mo. From 1pm-whenever the group finishes, 5pm at the latest. Happens every third Saturday of the month.
Open to all LGBTQIA2S+ community members and allies. Celebrate the season with a potluck style early dinner. We will be posting a sign up list for people to tell us what they would like to bring. Please create dishes that can feed at least 6 people. Happy fall!
Gentle yoga for LGBTQIA2+ seniors and allies. Join us for gentle yoga every Monday from 11am-2pm in the Great Room. We will provide mats and props. Just bring your body and mind and be ready to experience deep relaxation! A free gentle yoga class designed for older adults. Each practice will include a short sequence of […]
Open to LGBTQIA2+ and allies! Come in each weekday from 3-5pm to study, hangout with friends, or do homework. Open to all folks who need to study: Jr. High, High School and College students welcome.
Open to LGBTQIA2+ and allies! Come in each weekday from 3-5pm to study, hangout with friends, or do homework. Open to all folks who need to study: Jr. High, High School and College students welcome.
Begins June 28th, continues the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 5-7 pm. Please come to an exploratory meeting on June 28th to begin to talk about books in a fun, inclusive, womxn-centered group! Let's connect, get real, and incubate radical changes in our lives and communities. You'll get your book at the […]
Trans talk for 21+ aged people plus support group starting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6 pm in the Lounge.
Meet other LGBTQIA2+ seniors in the area for a good ol' cup of Jo. Coffee provided. Donuts also (sometimes) provided. Feel free to bring any other 2pm treats!
Open to LGBTQIA2+ and allies! Come in each weekday from 3-5pm to study, hangout with friends, or do homework. Open to all folks who need to study: Jr. High, High School and College students welcome.
A 12 Step recovery group open to all.
Open to LGBTQIA2+ and allies! Come in each weekday from 3-5pm to study, hangout with friends, or do homework. Open to all folks who need to study: Jr. High, High School and College students welcome.