Event Series Senior Coffee Time

Senior Coffee Time

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Meet other LGBTQIA2+ seniors in the area for a good ol' cup of Jo. Coffee provided. Donuts also (sometimes) provided. Feel free to bring any other 2pm treats!

Event Series Free HIV Testing

Free HIV Testing

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Here’s some exciting news! Our Center is partnering with Sagebrush Health to bring FREE HIV testing to our community! You can stop by Our Center on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 11am-2pm, the 2nd Thursday of the month from 5-8pm, and the 4th Saturday of the month from 10am-2pm. If you have any […]

Event Series Resource Connections

Resource Connections

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Our Center Program Coordinator and Social Work Intern Jammie Verdin will be available for drop-in sessions for anyone looking to make an appointment or ask about community resources. During this process, attendees will be asked to fill out a form to identify what exactly they are looking for so they can create an appropriate action […]