Event Series Senior Coffee Time

Senior Coffee Time

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Meet other LGBTQIA2+ seniors in the area for a good ol' cup of Jo. Coffee provided. Donuts also (sometimes) provided. Feel free to bring any other 2pm treats!

Event Series Note-Able Music Therapy

Note-Able Music Therapy

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Sing, jam, or discuss your favorite music - no musical talents or experience required! You’re welcome to explore instruments or just enjoy some good music with cool people in this group led by a gay, gender queer, music therapist from Note-Able Music Therapy Services. Drums, xylophones, ukuleles, and various other percussion instruments will be provided.

Event Series SMART Recovery Weekly Support Group

SMART Recovery Weekly Support Group

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.

Event Series Queer Movie Night

Queer Movie Night

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Join us at Queer Movie Night on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month! Watch queer movies from a combination of genres and discuss with others during these fun screenings. Bring snacks, and bring a friend!