Event Series Queer Student Union

Queer Student Union

The QSU is a collective built by a group of students from seven WCSD high schools. They gather to learn about queer history, build community connections, and bring awareness to the importance of allyship. The Queer Student Union acts as an additional resource and protective factor within our local community, helping to mitigate exposure to […]

Event Series Senior Coffee Time

Senior Coffee Time

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Meet other LGBTQIA2+ seniors in the area for a good ol' cup of Jo. Coffee provided. Donuts also (sometimes) provided. Feel free to bring any other 2pm treats!

Event Series Library on the Go Bookmobile

Library on the Go Bookmobile

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Visit Washoe County's new Library on the Go Bookmobile, where you can browse collections of books and DVDs for all ages, as well as sign up for a library card. Materials checked out at the Bookmobile can be returned to any branch! The Bookmobile will be parked in the Our Center parking lot every 3rd […]

Event Series True Colors Poetry

True Colors Poetry

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Jesse Zeigler, Reno's Poet Laureate, invites you to a monthly poetry reading series at Our Center on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.