DIY Club

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

DIY Club, 1st and 3rd Sundays, 10 am - 12 pm, Great Room

Event Series Senior Coffee Time

Senior Coffee Time

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

Meet other LGBTQIA2+ seniors in the area for a good ol' cup of Jo. Coffee provided. Donuts also (sometimes) provided. Feel free to bring any other 2pm treats!

Event Series LatinX Social Club

LatinX Social Club

Our Center 1745 S Wells Ave, Reno, NV, United States

LatinX Social Club. ¡ ACOMPANANOS ! Divierte, aprende y conoce nuevos amigos. Please contact Miguel Angel Ochoa @ 562-281-2830 with any questions! 7pm-9pm Every Thursday!